- 30th Nov, 2013
It’s the classical chicken and egg question. Does a business decide to re-develop its website when it believes the site is not making a contribution to its marketing program? Or, does it recognise that by embracing new software technology it can enhance the functionality of the site and therefore its contribution to marketing?
Either way the business that decides to re-develop wants its website to be an investment and not an expense. It also recognises that staying up to date with fast moving information software technology enables it to improve and extend its own business practices.
Apart from new business functions, the desire to manage the site itself or take advantage of search engine optimisation are major reasons a business might consider re-developing its website
The introduction of the management console which gives businesses the ability to manage their own sites as easily as using a word processing package is one of the most significant recent developments in website technology.
Content management software allows business to add and/or manipulate content on a website. This is valuable for the management of online stores as content can include product prices, detail and images. It also allows changes and additions to addresses and phone numbers as well as being able to provide statistics to show the number of visitors to a website.
Typical content may also include articles, press releases and company news, pictures, frequently asked questions and answers, online demonstrations, newsgroups and streaming audio or video.
Search engine optimisation or SEO is another reason for re-developing a website. It simply means improving the chances of a website being found in its target market by a search engine. By increasing the number of visitors to a website, a business can experience more enquiries that lead to sales, either in through an Internet shop front, or a bricks and mortar shop.
The higher a web site ranks in the results of a search, the greater the chance that the site will be visited by the person doing the searching. Generally, Internet users do not to click through pages and pages of search results, so it is essential to know where a site ranks in a search to take action to direct more traffic towards that site.
Other reasons for re-developing a web site may be to ensure compatibility with new Internet browser software technology or to give the site a graphical makeover in line with the introduction of a new corporate identity.