27th Feb, 2018
If you thought your website ranking had changed recently you’re not imagining it; Google has been at it again! Whilst not on the scale of Panda or Penguin, or even Fred, this latest algorithm update will certainly affect rankings.
Looking at Google’s activity over the last couple of years is rather a case of Groundhog Day. Just as you think you’ve got your website and SEO campaign perfect, and your ranking is improving, bang, there’s another algorithm update that throws everything up in the air again. This keeps happening over and over again.
Best Website Design
But whilst there is a certain sense of inevitability about this, there are steps you can take to limit the impact these updates have. Much of it comes down to good website design and development.
The best website design Sunshine Coast tries to stay one step ahead of Google by creating the mega search engine’s ‘perfect’ site. That is a website that’s stylish yet simple, easy to navigate, mobile-friendly and user-orientated with relevant, engaging, non-advertorial content.
If you are noticing significant ranking drops on your website it could be that the design and development are wrong. And if your visitor numbers and/or conversions are down, that could also be due to poor website design.
Time to Update
Website design Sunshine Coast is constantly evolving to keep up with ranking and SEO changes. You can no longer expect the same website to keep performing year after year. In fact, if you’ve had the same website for two to three years you should be thinking of updating it.
One element that can help boost your visitor numbers and ranking is custom graphic design. Neither Google nor your potential customers want to see a website that looks just like your competitors.
Google favours unique websites that enhance the user experience and deliver the goods. Meanwhile, users are more likely to buy from a site with a strong brand image. Continuity of brand instils trust in customers and makes that business an authoritative voice.
Quality Original Content
By combining custom graphic design, quality original content and a strong SEO campaign, your website can climb up the rankings and attract more customers. Those are the features you should look for in website design Sunshine Coast.
Google updates its algorithms up to 600 times a year. As a result, your website ranking can quite literally drop overnight. Here are some ranking-boosting suggestions to keep you ahead of the game.
Speed It Up
You have just seconds to grab the user’s attention and persuade them to stay on your website. A major influencing factor is loading speed. If your site is slow to load most users will leave and go to another site.
Quality Content
Boring, repetitive and blatantly commercial content will annoy both your users and Google. There’s a good reason why smart businesses are now using the services of professional writers. Content needs to be original, well written, entertaining and informative – and regularly changed.
Tried and Tested
Despite all the recent updates some ranking signals have stayed consistent. These include using quality links from a variety of sources, relevant keywords and semantic search.
This should go without saying but we are still seeing far too many websites that are not yet mobile-friendly. Seriously, you have to get it together in 2018!