3rd Feb, 2014
The techniques you use, are your recipe to using effective SEO on your site. However, each success DEPENDS on ALL of the techniques being used.
It will not do much good to have the top position in the search engines, if it is for a term for which no one searches. Return to the basics and research your terms. In addition, you cannot expect the search engines to give you high placement in the search engine results, if the term you are targeting is not specifically in your title.
“Think about the words users would type to find your pages, and make sure that your site actually includes those words within it.”
Effective SEO Includes Quality Content
You will not do well if you optimize for a particular search phrase simply because you titled your page with the term and used the appropriate meta tags. YOUR PAGE HAS TO BE ABOUT THE PHRASE YOU OPTIMIZE FOR! If you have no real content on a page, you will not do well over the long run.
“Create a useful, information-rich site and write pages that clearly and accurately describe your content.” google.com/webmasters/guidelines.html
Effective SEO Includes Relevant Incoming Links
No matter how much work you do, submitting your site until you are blue in the face will not work if you do not have incoming link popularity to keep the search engine spiders coming back. Invest in the time to find high quality (relevant) incoming links.
Begin blogging for business purposes. Add links on your front page to the blogs. It is imperative that the blogs provide QUALITY content too. Remember to include static links on your blog that lead back to your site, along with relevant anchor text linking.
The best way to ensure Google finds your site is for your page to be linked from lots of pages on other sites. Google’s robots jump from page to page on the Web via hyperlinks, so the more sites that link to you, the more likely it is that we’ll find you quickly. http://www.google.com/webmasters/1.html