25th Jan, 2014
Fresh & unique content always plays an important role in terms of search engine optimisation.
Internet user surf’s daily on net to find the latest information on their interests. Search engines understand this and therefore places a great weight on the content freshness.
Websites that are regularly updated also encourage the search engine spiders to visit often.
For example, a web page that has its content updated daily will find that search engine visits and crawl’s the page more often than the other less active pages. This clearly explains why blogs are visited frequently by bots as compared to other sites.
RSS feeds’ are an easy way to get fresh content for your website. These feeds can be found by searching for RSS feeds in google.
WordPress and Joomla are popular CMS’s for content management. They allows the owner to enable multiple people in a company to post new content so that a group of people can manage the content more efficiently.
Another method to acquire for unique content is to create a forum for your members. This is a very low cost operation if you have many supporting members who are active and willing to commit.
In the eyes of search engine optimisation, fresh and unique content is of paramount importance. In order to display the latest information on your website to the visitors via search engines, updating your website pages regularly is must so that the spiders will visit and index more often.