30th Jan, 2018
You’ve got SEO covered, right? You post a few things online and stuff them full of keywords. And when it comes to your products, no problem, you just copy and paste the manufacturer’s description.
Don’t worry, you’re not alone. It’s one of the most common digital marketing mistakes that businesses make. A few years ago it wouldn’t have mattered as much. But if you don’t get on top of your online marketing strategy in 2018, you probably never will.
Google Updates
There’s a very good reason why smart businesses use professional search engine optimisation services – it’s because they work. SEO is dramatically different these days and, with constant Google updates, it’s crucial to keep up.
(Yes, there are other search engines but Google dominates the market with around 77% ownership).
Search Engine Optimisation Australia is all about User Intent these days. It also needs to be mobile and fast. You should have realised by now that Google doesn’t really care about you – it cares about your customers. So if you sell pet products and your SEO strategy is limited to keywords like ‘dog’ and ‘cat’, you’re barking up the wrong tree.
Think about what your (potential) customers are likely to be typing into search: cat toys, dog apparel, flea shampoo, pet adoption, dog boutique and so on. Rather than ‘dog food’ try ‘natural dog food’ or ‘dog treats’. Getting the idea?
Quality Content
Hang on, you say, this whole SEO thing is starting to take up far too much of my time. Correct. Not only that, your SEO content needs to be fresh, original, constant, entertaining, engaging and informative. As a small business owner already wearing several hats, it may not be for you. That’s why most businesses use search engine optimisation services.
Firstly, it doesn’t have to be expensive. When you look at the ROI you will generally find outsourcing ends up being more profitable.
Secondly, stick to what you’re good at – running your business. Don’t waste your precious time on things you’re not really interested in.
SEO Strategies
Thirdly, SEO professionals have their finger on the pulse. They know what Google is up to, and how to tweak a client’s SEO strategy to reflect it. They have the knowledge and the tools.
Okay, you say, I’ll employ someone in-house to do it. Really? Wages, insurance, sick leave, holidays – is it worth it? You only pay professional search engine optimisation services when you need them – and that’s all you pay for. They are also performance-driven so you know you’re going to get results.
In short, quality SEO will cost you, but it’s worth it. Not only will it get you more clicks, which means more customers, but it will also improve your search engine ranking and promote your brand. It could even save your bacon.
Search Engine Optimisation Services
Cop a penalty from Google for doing it wrong and you could lose a lot more than your ranking. You could be blacklisted for buying links, repetition, poor quality content, keyword stuffing and article marketing (spinning).
If you’re serious about growing your business in 2018 one of the most cost-effective actions you can take is to hire professional search engine optimisation services.